Tualatin Parks District to cut ties with fossil fuels

F Minus Follow-up

Are you interested in collaborating with F-minus to help create conditions that will make it easy for the Tualatin Parks District Board to cut ties with their lobbyist?

F Minus has identified the Tualatin Hills Park District as a priority campaign to collaborate in partnership with Portland’s Climate Realities Chapter.

Communication Strategy:
Gratitude for existing climate work, educate on Fossil Fuel lobbyists and ask to stop working with lobbyists for fossil fuel companies that are causing the climate crisis

Here is our timeline:

  • Week of Feb 26: 

    • Share with Climate Realities PDX - Tualatin Campaign

  • Week of Mar 4: 

    • Fill out the form link: https://forms.gle/2RYB1foTPpPGPCKy5 or email Nancy Chang to confirm if you can commit to contacting a board member and setting up a meeting to talk about cutting ties

  • Week of Mar 11: 

    • Set-up 1:1 with Nancy to prepare to meet with a board member

Next Steps for PDX Climate Realities Members to take:

  1. Identify any existing relationships between members of PDX’s Climate Realities and Tualatin Hill Park District Board of Directors:

  2. Sign-up to reach out to a board member by filling out this form.

  3. Look over email template below to personalize:

    Email Template: Greetings Tualatin Parks Board Member: My name is XXXX and I am a member of Climate Realities Portland Chapter. I'm writing to express my concern about Tualatin Hills Parks & Recreation District employing a lobbyist who also works for BP America, one of the world’s biggest GHG emitters and most destructive fossil fuel companies. 

Here's the contact form:https://www.thprd.org/connect/contact-us  of board members, once you are ready to send feel free to bcc me: [email protected] 

Senator Golden’s timber bill needs our help!  It is stuck in the Senate Committee on Finance and Revenue. We have one week left to get this important bill out of committee and passed in both chambers. Call and email Senator Meek to get SB 1593 on Monday’s committee agenda. Last chance this session to provide 1) revenue to struggling rural counties on the front lines of increasingly devastating wildfires, and 2) force out of state Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), who own ⅔ of our forests, to pay their fair share! Senator Meek is key. His number 503-986-1720. You can also contact committee members and tell them to get SB 1593 on Monday’s agenda and pass this bill.