September Update

Hello everyone!

I hope this email finds you well! After a much-needed summer break, the leadership committee is planning for an October meeting on Oct 17. There will be no chapter meeting in September.

Also, the NYC Climate Week is happening right now during the United Nations General Assembly. Many of the events, webinars and workshops are also available virtually. You can find details and register here. (On Sunday, Sep 17, 75000 people took to the streets of Manhattan, with few thousands more around the world, to demand no more new fossil fuels leases from the U.S. Federal government. See the coverage here. Our chapter has joined hundreds of organizations across the country to demand action. Sign the petition here.

Here’s a free webinar about heat pumps: how to choose the right one for your home and use the federal incentives for it. Click here to register!

When: Wednesday, September 20th 12:00 – 1:00 PM Pacific Time

Panelists: Christopher Dymond, NEEA & Erica Hennes, Gradient

Learn how Micro Heat Pumps can provide efficient supplemental heating and cooling for apartments and small spaces at low cost.

Micro heat pumps come in 3 configurations - Window units which look like window air conditioners, Portable units which are ducted to the outside through windows with vent kits, and Saddle Bag heat pumps that straddle the window ledge with part of the device inside and part outside which allows the window to close more fully. These units are lower cost than full home heat pumps and can be installed DIY by plugging into a 120V outlet. They provide energy efficient heating and cooling which can be ideal for apartments or single rooms in larger homes.

Saddle Bag Heat Pumps are an emerging technology that could be vitally important to help building and homeowners heat and cool rooms more cheaply with faster installation times and without completely retrofitting a heating system. Cold climate versions are expected to become available in 2024.

Join us as we dive into the world of micro heat pumps and learn about the latest options, performance and consumer satisfaction test results and where the industry is heading with our panel of experts.

Working with Middle Schoolers on Climate Solutions

Join our Education Committee in an exciting new initiative that you can play a part in! There are multiple opportunities to collaborate with existing programs (SAGE and Eco-School Network) to get into local schools this year. Working with kids isn’t only an action we can do to combat the anxiety and For more information and zoom link, email Education Co-Leads: Lynn or Bernadette

emotion we are experiencing in the climate crisis. It can also give us hope and encouragement seeing how much our kids care and learn. Whether you have a little time to offer or a lot, please join us to find out how you can get involved. The education committee meets on the second Sunday of each month at 5 PM.  

Join us Sunday, October 8, at 5 PM, to learn and share your ideas!

For more information and zoom link, email Education Co-Leads:  Lynn or Bernadette

Lastly, we need some help on the leadership committee. If you have a couple hours every month to do something for the climate and our communities, and to combat climate anxiety (action is the best antidote to despair!) please reach out to our chair, Kraig ([email protected]).

With gratitude,

Li-Ya, Comms Lead