In today’s newsletter:

  • Fall Kickoff Meeting

  • Summer Recap

  • Climate Protection Program

  • Volunteer Opportunity

  • Chapter Leaders

  • Opportunity to Share Climate Story

Fall Kickoff Meeting

Our Fall kick-off meeting is September 17 at 7 pm on zoom! Guest speaker is Pam Vergun, director of Climate Change Recovery, mother to two Juliana plaintiffs, and project manager of the Elders Climate Action’s effort, Elders Promote the Vote. We’ll also have chapter updates and a Q&A.  Register using the new zoom link:


Summer Recap

Climate Reality Portland members in the legislative committee were busy collaborating with other groups this summer! Read about it here

Climate Protection Program

Public Comment deadline extended to Sep. 27. The Climate Protection Program (CPP) would require oil and gas companies to cut their pollution by 90% by 2050, and provide ~$150 million of investments into Oregon’s communities. The oil & gas industry will stop at nothing to derail and weaken this program, so it’s vital that DEQ hear a groundswell of support for restoring the CPP’s essential climate and community protections by the end of this year.

Find More Information: Read more 

Volunteer Opportunity

Get out the Climate Vote

Join Elders Promote the Vote for a weekly phone bank. Believe it or not, a large portion of US adults who care about climate change are infrequent voters! “The Environmental Voter Project identifies millions of non-voting environmentalists and turns them into consistent voters.” More get-out-the-climate-vote opportunities below

Call For Chapter Leaders

A heartfelt THANK YOU to our outgoing Chair Kraig Beusch who led the chapter this past year and was also the dynamic leader of our Climate Friendly Foods committee, and also to our long-time Events Lead Alexandra Welker. Climate Reality Portland’s leadership team is collaborating to fill in the gaps until we host elections later this fall. New leadership terms will start in January of 2025. Are you interested in curating events, chapter management, or leading a committee? Email [email protected] with your interest or questions!

Share Your Climate Story or Event

So many of us are working with multiple groups in different neighborhoods! If you’d like to share what you’re doing for climate action and climate justice, we’d love to highlight it in an upcoming newsletter! Email to [email protected] for inclusion.