Reminder: Submit Your Self-Nomination for Our Chapter Leadership Team

Submission Window Extended to Sunday 11/12 at 5 PM

Last Call for 2024 Leadership Team


The window for self-nomination is extended to November 12.

Please see below for everything you need to know and send your submission to [email protected] by Sunday, November 12, at 5 PM.

You may include a photo in addition to answering the following questions:

  1. What is your experience with Climate Reality?

  2. Why is this position important to you?

We look forward to hearing from you!

Leadership Team Roles and Responsibilities

(Note: All elected positions are for a one-year term)

Co-Chair 1 - Outward facing chairperson

  • Key contact with National Chapter

  • Responsible for partnerships with other Portland climate organizations

Co-Chair 2 - Inward facing chairperson

  • Responsible for monthly Chapter meeting content and organization

  • Plans Leadership Team meetings

  • Oversees election process


  • Minutes from leadership team meeting

  • Fills out the monthly reports

  • Supports Chair(s) with Chapter logistics

  • Compiles election ballots, supports Chair 2 with election process

Technical (Operational) Lead - responsible for all technical aspects of Chapter operation, including:

  • Zoom meetings

  • Live meeting A/V needs

  • Google docs/groups management

  • Maintains website (liaises with Committee leads for committee activity information) including Chapter calendar

Communications Lead - responsible for all social media and announcements of chapter meetings and committee events including:

  • Monthly newsletter

  • Facebook, Instagram, and X presence

  • Works with Tech and Committee leads to schedule events on the Calendar and get inputs for social media posts

Engagement Lead - responsible for all aspects of chapter involvement including:

  • Regularly updates Chapter mailing list with new members from National Opt-in list (recently trained Climate Leaders)

  • Welcomes new members

  • Ensures all members are involved at the level that they want to be

Event Lead

  • Collaborates with rest of leadership to plan chapter activities

  • Implements and oversees in-person events

  • Researches, secures, and serves as point of contact for event venues

  • Researches (when needed) and serves as point of contact for event speakers (in-person and virtual)

  • Liaises with Tech lead for A/V, logistical needs for in-person events

  • Writes thank you notes to speakers

Election Timeline

10/17/23 Chapter Meeting - Announce elections, explain roles, and ask members to self-nominate. PDF with roles and election timeline should be emailed to membership by this date. Self-nomination will take the form of sending an email to [email protected] which may include a photo plus a blurb answering the following questions:

  1. What is your experience with Climate Reality?

  2. Why is this position important to you?

Self-nominations will be accepted through 11/12/23.

11/14/2023 Chapter Meeting - Candidates will be announced at meeting and also posted on website.

11/15–12/10/23 - Membership votes.

12/11/23 December Leadership Team Meeting - Review results and ratify the winners.

12/12/23 - Notify newly elected team members, confirm their start date of 1/8/2024 (first Leadership Team meeting of the new year) and ask if they would like to speak a few words at the election results announcement.

12/19/2023 General Meeting - Announce newly elected team and introduce them to membership.

1/8/24 Leadership Team Meeting - Newly elected team begins their term.