February Newsletter

Legislative Committee

Introducing: Rhiana Gunn-Wright

Rhiana Gunn-Wright is one of the architects of the new green deal. In this must listen interview, Rihiana Gunn-Wright sheds light on pressing issues such as the Inflation Reduction Act, strategies for navigating climate warfare, and combating anti- renewables sentiment.


Action Alerts

TAKE ACTION NOW! Stay informed and advocate for legislation that address the urgent issue of climate change. Your voice matters in shaping a sustainable future. Top 3 call to action opportunities:

  1. Oregon Just Transition Alliance - Healthy Homes Program is their #1 priority bill.  Support Healthy Homes! Use this form to urge lawmakers to help keep low-income, front-line families safely in their homes.

  2. Oregon League of Conservation Voters - Support amendments to SB 1537, the Governor’s housing bill. Urge law makers to amend this major threat to land use!

  3. Check https://www.divestoregon.org/. Are your representatives sponsoring Divestment? If not, ask them to.

Get Involved: Volunteer Opportunity

Priority Bills

Monthly Chapter Meeting


Get ready to mark your calendars because our next chapter meeting is just around the corner.

February 20th, 2024 at 7:00pm