- Climate Reality Portland, OR Chapter
- Posts
In today’s newsletter:
December Newsletter
Take Action
Chapter Elections
Volunteer Opportunity
Organize a Meeting With Oregon Legislators
Climate Reality Portland In The News
Conversation with Kathryn Duvall on YouTube
Share Your Climate Story or Event
In Person Chapter Social December 17th from 6:30-8pm.
Please join us for a in person event at ENSO WINERY 1416 SE Stark Street, Portland, OR 97214 and accessible via the 14 bus. Our past Chapter Chair, Kraig graciously organized this event. We’ll have a spread of appetizers courtesy of the Chapter. Non-alcoholic beverages as well as a wide array of wines will be available for purchase.
(Please note: Enso Urban Winery is 21-and-over after 6 pm, so this end of year event is for older members only. We’ll make sure our next in-person event is accessible to all ages with something special for the younger crowd. )
RSVP @ [email protected] by December 15th if you plan to attend.
Take Action
The Climate Reality Project opposes HR 9495 and encourages you to call your Senators to oppose this bad bill. Please also share this call to action with your friends and relatives in other states! HR9495 can still be stopped in the Senate: Though it has a positive-sounding title and elements, this bill would allow the Secretary of the Treasury to destroy, with the stroke of a pen, the ongoing work of any community, climate, environmental justice, or other organization that the administration dislikes.
You can use personalize this form from the Oppose H.R. 9495: Protect Nonprofit Organizations | NAACP or find your Senators’ phone number and contact page here: Contacting U.S. Senators senate.gov
(If you’re in Oregon, contact senator Wyden at https://www.wyden.senate.gov/contact/ and senator Merkley at https://www.merkley.senate.gov/connect/contact/.
For more information, read Civil Society Letter to House Opposing H.R. 9495 | American Civil Liberties Union a coalition of over 150 civil liberties, religious, reproductive health, immigrant rights, human rights, racial justice, LGBTQ+, environmental, and educational organizations wrote to The House of Representatives on September 20, 2024, urging opposition to H.R. 9495.
Chapter Elections– we need you!
Climate Reality Project Portland Chapter is seeking interested leaders for events, chapter management, and committee leadership! Events and outreach positions are especially important! We will hold elections at our January 2025 chapter meeting (7 pm Tuesday 1/21 on zoom). Terms are one year long. See our CRP-Portland Chapter January 2025 Elections for more information. Email [email protected] with your nomination, interest, or questions!
Volunteer With The Education Team
Are you concerned about climate change? Do you enjoy working with middle and high school students? If so, join The Climate Reality, Portland Chapter Education Team as we support the Vision 2030 Coalition for climate education in schools.
Whether you have a little time or a lot, there are volunteer opportunities to inform students about our region’s 2030 climate goal, the solutions in our region’s Climate Action Plan, relevant workforce opportunities, and to facilitate hands-on learning experiences for students. Learn more here: https://www.wearesage.org/join-a-team/climate-education-team/
Organize A Meeting With Your Oregon Legislators
Local and state action is more important than ever, and we can make a big difference by engaging our state legislators. Legislators have to make decisions about hundreds of issues, and they often benefit from education about climate issues. Email [email protected] to join our legislative committee and to learn how we’re advocating for climate action and climate justice. Experienced members of our committee can give you a step-by-step guide for setting up and preparing for a meeting with your legislators!
We’re in the News!
Check us out in OPINION: NW Natural’s hidden hydrogen experiment puts Portland residents at risk | Hydrography | portlandtribune.com about the benefits of electrification and the dangerous hydrogen experiment going on in SE Portland, co-authored by PSR-Oregon’s Dr. Melanie Plaut and CRP-Portland’s interim chair Helena Birecki.
Conversation with Kathryn Duvall on YouTube
In case you missed our November Chapter meeting, we recorded Kathryn Duvall’s presentation and the lively and educational conversation that followed!
CRP Portland Nov. Meeting with Kathryn Duvall of OR Legislature's Environmental Caucus Kathryn is the Chief of Staff of the Oregon Legislature’s Environmental Caucus, which is open to all legislators who believe that Oregon needs bold environmental action.
Our Linktree!
Have limited time but want to keep up with quick actions and events in between newsletters? Bookmark our Linktree page: @climaterealitypdx | Linktree
Share Your Climate Story or Event
So many of us are working with multiple groups in different neighborhoods! If you’d like to share what you’re doing for climate action and climate justice, we’d love to highlight it in an upcoming newsletter! Email to [email protected] for inclusion.
Wishing all a happy, restorative, and climate-friendly holiday season.