The Climate Resilience Package could have a vote as soon as tomorrow, June 1!

🚨Urgent🚨Climate Resilience Package This Week! Call your legislators NOW!

We usually only send you an email every 2-3 weeks, but here’s the good news and urgent action we all need to take before end of Wednesday, June 14!

The Oregon Legislature Walkout might end soon given the negotiation yesterday. The bipartisan Climate Resilience Package is expected to have a House floor vote tomorrow/Wednesday or Thursday. 2023 Oregon legislative session is ending in 2 weeks. All hands on deck and our legislators need to hear from ALL OF US. This package of bills asking for $100 Million to fund many of climate/environmental bills we have been fighting for since January. Together, this package is worth 10X that amount, $1 Billion in federal funding. We cannot risk losing these federal money. It’s literally NOW or NEVER.

Find your legislators here. Calling them is the best way to ensure they hear you! Emails work, too.

Also call the state leadership below. They need to hear from us. They work for us, remember?

  • Gov. Kotek 503-378-4582

  • Sen. Wagner 503-986-1600

  • Sen. Lieber 503-986-1714

  • Rep. Rayfield 503-986-1416

  • Rep. Fahey 503-986-1414

Simple script & email template: 

Dear Representative/Senator XX, I want to strongly urge you to prioritize passing and funding the bipartisan Climate Resilience Package (HB 3409, HB 3630).

It cannot be overstated: Oregon is running out of time to address the climate crisis and protect our communities and economy. The bipartisan Climate Resilience Package will invest $100 million to bring home $1 billion federal money to communities all across Oregon. These investments will reduce climate and air pollution, support healthy, affordable, resilient communities, boost local economies, and create family-wage jobs across Oregon. Please VOTE YES on the Climate Resilience Package.

⚡️Let’s do it!! We can get them across the finish line 🙏

Details about the package: HB 3409, HB3630.

Reminder June Chapter Meeting: Land Uses, Reforestation & Climate: Next Tuesday, June 20th @ 7pm on Zoom

This month, we are so excited to have Dr. Sailesh Rao, Gerard Bisshop, the former principal scientist of the State of Queensland, and Glen Merzer to lead a discussion on the relationship between land use and climate. RSVP here! (Pre-registration required!)

Reminder: Intersectional Environmentalism — Chapter Training, Wednesday June 14 @ 4pm PT on Zoom

The Climate Reality Chapter Training will provide an introduction to the frameworks of intersectional environmentalism – lenses through which we can look at social and environmental justice issues more holistically. Jamiah Adams, Climate Reality's senior vice president of diversity and justice, will speak about intersectionality from a national and historical perspective. All are welcome. Pre-register here.

Thank you all so much.

— Li-Ya (she/her), Comms Lead @ the PDX Chapter